24 Nov 2013

Market for Fruits in India

India is viewed as a steady state consumption market, including for fruit produce…and it has lived up to this perception! Over the last 10 years, imports into India of apples, kiwis, pears, grape have seen phenomenal growth; not merely doubled or quadrupled, but more than 10 fold growth has been witnessed.

On the domestic front, Indian farms repeatedly break production records but one does not see a likewise increase in trade volumes from these domestic source points. What prevents our own produce from spanning the sub-continent and emulate the growth our imports have witnessed?

Is it that our consumers have a penchant for imported fruit, a specific flavor, a specific brand?

16 Nov 2013

Fish for food!

Fish farms or aquaculture farming is catching on in a big way in India. This is because of rising health awareness and demand for fish meat, and increased logistics bottlenecks along traditional fish sources and lower catches from those regions.

So, new catch is being developed in hinterland fish ponds, the idea being that a long term source of alternate food and earnings can be developed in our farm lands.

The whole idea of modern fish farming is to enhance productivity, thereby the supply, and therefore commercial returns to our farming community.